The History of 38 Sussex Square


Superior Household Furniture, Chimney and Console Glasses, China, Glass, and General Effects. Mr WILKINSON has been honoured with instructions from Trustees to Sell by Auction, the premises. No. 38, Sussex Square, on Wednesday and Thursday, March 4th and 5th, 1857,at Eleven for Twelve o’clock precisely each day, The whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising, in THE SLEEPING APARTMENTS, Mahogany and Japanne Four-post, French, and other Bedsteads, with Hangings, prime Goose-feather Beds and superior Bedding, Dressing Tables, Washstands, Toilet Glasses, Cheval Glasses, Chests of Drawers, Wing and other Wardrobes, and the usual chamber appurtenances. THE DRAWING ROOMS contain noble Chimney Glasses, Console Tabl with Glass above, Rosewood Chiffonnier, Loo, Card, Occasional, and other Tables, Set of Rosewood Chairs, Sofas, and Couches, Easy Chairs, Curtains,&c,, &c. DINING ROOM AND LlBRARY — Massive and handsome Sideboard, Set of Dining Tables, Chairs, Dinner Waggon, large Loo Table, Carpets, Fenders,&c., &c. China, Glass, Coppers, Kitchen Utensils, and Effects. May be viewed on the day preceding and mornings of Sale.

Brighton Gazette and Lewes Observer 19 February 1857