The History of 11 Sussex Square
Dr Henry Laing
1 More Memories of Earlier Kemp Town published in the Brighton Herald 26th March 1892 by William Baines
2 Bas reliefs
3 Misfortunes of Estate residents
1 Dr Henry Laing
Dr. Laing, then well advanced in years,is probably remembered by only a few, but 40 or 50 years ago his school at 11 Sussex Square for gentlemen was known throughout the country. “How are the mighty fallen” this school is now used for the purposes of a dairy.
The rear part of No 11 Sussex Square was originally used as a cowshed and dairy by the Marquess of Bristol. It is possible that the tiles now revealed in the present Marmalade Cafe originate from this period.
To read more Memories of Kemp Town find the Article by Andrew Doig on the Estate page
Thracian mercenaries on horseback. After the Alexander Frieze by Bertel Thorvaldsen c. 1820