42 Sussex Square in the 1881 Census
Inhabited | Title | Forename | Surname | Relationship | Marital Status | Age | Sex | Occupation | Industry | Born Place |
Born County |
Born Country |
Same County | Foreign Parts |
I | William | Willet | Head | Mar | 46 | M | Corn & Flour merchantBrighton | Sussex | ||||||
Edwina | do | Wife | do | 38 | F | do's wife | Fermoy | Ireland | ||||||
Laura | do | Dau | Unm | 18 | F | do's daughter | Abridge | Essex | ||||||
Hugh de Winton | do | Son | 6 | M | do's son | Theyden | Essex | |||||||
Martin John | Sankis | Visitor | Unm | 26 | M | Law student at the temple | Dacca | Bengall | ||||||
Emma | Ingall | Serv | do | 44 | F | Governess | Lambeth | Surrey | ||||||
Sarah | South | do | do | 47 | F | Kitchen maid | Theyden | Essex | ||||||
Mary | Tugwell | do | do | 22 | F | Cook ( Domestic ) | Brighton | Sussex | ||||||
Rose | Hampton | do | do | 19 | F | Housemaid | Westergate | Sussex | ||||||
Alice | Smith | do | do | 24 | F | do | Braintree | Essex | ||||||
George | Mills | do | Mar | 30 | M | Butler | Peasmarsh | Sussex |