28 Sussex Square in the 1861 Census
Inhabited | Title | Forename | Surname | Relationship | Marital Status | Age | Sex | Occupation | Industry | Born Place |
Born County |
Born Country |
Same County | Foreign Parts |
William | Crickell | Head | Mar | 64 | M | Retired Captain | Dorchester | Dorset | ||||||
Anne | Crickell | Wife | Mar | 46 | F | Hackney | London | |||||||
Frances | Crickell | Son | Un | 26 | M | Son of owner | Stoke | Derbyshire | ||||||
Mary | Marlin | Servant | Un | 35 | F | House servant | Egham | Surrey | ||||||
Mary Ann | Knight | Servant | Un | 24 | F | House servant | Seaford | Sussex | ||||||
Henry | Blisset | Servant | Un | 31 | M | Footman | Callow | Worcestershire |