The History of 7 Chichester Terrace
1 Walter Winans
2 Bas Reliefs
1 Walter Winans
Walter Winans, son of William Winans ( see 1 & 2 Chichester Terrace ) was the author of several books including “The Modern Pistol and How to Shoot It” (available at, he won the revolver championship in England twelve consecutive times and the duelling pistol championship In Paris in 1909. He was a competitor in the Olympic Games at London in 1908 for the United States team, winning gold for the Double Shoot Running Deer.

As a huntsman he held records in stag and wild boar shooting. At the Vienna Exposition in 1910 he won two gold medals for the most representative group of big game shot by one man, his exhibit comprising 60 of the best heads of all kinds out of 2,000 he had shot himself.
The photographs below of William Louis Winans on a deer hunting party at the Glen Tilt estate (near Blair Atholl) in Scotland in 1871, which he leased from the Duke of Atholl, were taken by the Dundee-based photographer James Valentine, who targeted the middle and upper class tourist market, producing drawing room albums of landscapes of Scotland. The albums are in the library of UCLA, California, and they kindly copied the photos in which Winans appears. Winans is the character on the left of the front group in the first photograph, the one on horseback in the second and the bearded man pouring from a bottle in the group nearest the camera just behind the collection of dead deer in the third

Walter was also a noted artist and sculptor of animals – he won a gold medal for sculpture at the 1912 Stockholm Olympics in addition to his silver medal for shooting won at the same games. A summary of his achievements can be found at
Andrew Mosely
2 Bas Reliefs

The house has one plaster relief believed to have been copied from an original by Bertol Thorvaldsen. He made several versions. Small reproductions can be purchased on Ebay from time to time.
A book, Hidden Treasures on the Kemp Town Estate by Vanessa MInns, with the provenance of and illustrating all the 40 bas reliefs on the Estate can be purchased on Amazon from May 1 2023