10 Arundel Terrace in the 1901 Census
Inhabited | Title | Forename | Surname | Relationship | Marital Status | Age | Sex | Occupation | Industry | Born Place |
Born County |
Born Country |
Same County | Foreign Parts |
Horatio P. | Vance | Head | M | 72 | Knight Bachelor-Royal Bodyguards of Yeomen.Retired Colonel | St James | London | |||||||
Mary E | Vance | Wife | M | 55 | Leeds | Yorkshire | ||||||||
Charlotte | Dakes | Serv | S | 49 | Cook | Chelsea | London | |||||||
Ethel L. | Watts | Serv | S | 16 | Housemaid | Wareham | Dorset | |||||||
Beatrice A, | Watts | Serv | S | 14 | Kitchenmaid | Wareham | Dorset |